Mazzarolo MatteoMazzarolo Matteo

Using Alfred to open your GitHub repositories in the browser

By Mazzarolo Matteo

One thing I do multiple times a day is browsing my company's GitHub organization repositories.
My process for opening these repositories in the browser is:

This flow works well for repositories that I have starred as bookmarks or that I browsed recently...
...But because I'm a total sucker for Alfred, today I wasted almost an hour moving this process into an Alfred workflow.

The Action Plan

Knowing that:

Making an API request to filter the repositories each time I invoke the Alfred workflow wasn't an option.

So I decided to 1) download the entire repository list into a JSON file, 2) transform it into an Alred-compatible format, and 3) use the Alfred's fuzzy search helper to filter the results.

Creating the GitHub repository list

First of all, I created a GitHub API token with a scope to access the repositories list.

TIL: Selecting all the "repo" sub-scopes is not the same as selecting the entire scope -- which is needed to use the API token to get the list of all the private repositories.

The GitHub API pagination has a limit of 200 items per page. I needed to fetch way more than 200 repositories, so I modified this cool (but outdated) bash script to fetch all of them in a single command and print them out to the console:

if [ ${#@} -lt 2 ]; then
    echo "usage: $0 [your github credentials as 'user:token'] [REST expression]"
    exit 1;
GITHUB_API_HEADER_ACCEPT="Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"
temp=`basename $0`
TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/${temp}.XXXXXX` || exit 1
function rest_call {
# single page result-s (no pagination), have no Link: section, the grep result is empty
last_page=`curl -s -I -u $GITHUB_CREDENTIALS "${GITHUB_API_REST}?per_page=200" -H "${GITHUB_API_HEADER_ACCEPT}" | grep '^Link:' | sed -e 's/^Link:.*page=//g' -e 's/>.*$//g'`
# does this result use pagination?
if [ -z "$last_page" ]; then
    # no - this result has only one page
    rest_call "${GITHUB_API_REST}?per_page=200"
    # yes - this result is on multiple pages
    for p in `seq 1 $last_page`; do
        rest_call "${GITHUB_API_REST}?per_page=200&page=$p"
if [ ${#@} -lt 2 ]; then
    echo "usage: $0 [your github credentials as 'user:token'] [REST expression]"
    exit 1;
GITHUB_API_HEADER_ACCEPT="Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"
temp=`basename $0`
TMPFILE=`mktemp /tmp/${temp}.XXXXXX` || exit 1
function rest_call {
# single page result-s (no pagination), have no Link: section, the grep result is empty
last_page=`curl -s -I -u $GITHUB_CREDENTIALS "${GITHUB_API_REST}?per_page=200" -H "${GITHUB_API_HEADER_ACCEPT}" | grep '^Link:' | sed -e 's/^Link:.*page=//g' -e 's/>.*$//g'`
# does this result use pagination?
if [ -z "$last_page" ]; then
    # no - this result has only one page
    rest_call "${GITHUB_API_REST}?per_page=200"
    # yes - this result is on multiple pages
    for p in `seq 1 $last_page`; do
        rest_call "${GITHUB_API_REST}?per_page=200&page=$p"

I named the script and used it this way:

# Get all the organization repositories: "{USERNAME}:{TOKEN}" "/orgs/{ORGANIZATION}/repos" > ~/my-company-repos.txt
# Get all the organization repositories: "{USERNAME}:{TOKEN}" "/orgs/{ORGANIZATION}/repos" > ~/my-company-repos.txt

FYI, you can also run it this way to get all the repositories you have access to (both on your personal account and on other organization accounts):

# Get all the repositories the user has access to: "{USERNAME}:{TOKEN}" "/user/repos" > ~/my-github-repos.txt
# Get all the repositories the user has access to: "{USERNAME}:{TOKEN}" "/user/repos" > ~/my-github-repos.txt

Making the repository list compatible with Alfred

To populate the Alfred list filter, for each repo I extracted the following information:

Using the following jq script:

cat ~/my-company-repos.txt | jq -s '.[] | map({ arg: .html_url, uid: .id, title: .name, subtitle: .description }) | { items: . }' > ~/my-company-repos.json
cat ~/my-company-repos.txt | jq -s '.[] | map({ arg: .html_url, uid: .id, title: .name, subtitle: .description }) | { items: . }' > ~/my-company-repos.json

The jq script generates a ~/my-company-repos.json file compatible with the Alfred Script Filter JSON format.

Creating the Alfred workflow

The Alfred standard script filtering doesn't have a good fuzzy search option -- which I really wanted given the huge amount of repositories.

As a workaround, I used alfred-fuzzy, a Python helper script for Alfred that replaces the "Alfred filters results" option with fuzzy search.

Here's what I did, step by step:

  1. Create a new empty Alfred workflow

  2. Right-click on the created workflow ⭢ "Open in Finder"

  3. In the workflow directory, copy and paste both and my-company-repos.json.

  4. In the workflow, create the following "Script Filter":

  5. In the workflow, create the following "Open URL" action:

  6. In the workflow, connect the "Script Filter" to the "Open URL" action:

That's it. I can now invoke the workflow using the keyword set in the "Script Filter" action and fuzzy search the repo I'm interested in.

Alfred is also smart enough to keep track of my workflow usage, surfacing the most clicked results to the top of the list 💥

Yes, the workflow can be improved in several ways (e.g.: auto-update the repository list after n days)... but I'm happy enough with the current result for now.